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Salam Charity


In Lebanon, essentials like food, fuel, medicine and electricity are becoming unaffordable. Three in ten families report that children are going to bed hungry.

Lebanon is in the worst economic crisis it’s seen in a lifetime. Since 2019, the Lebanese pound has lost 90% of its value and inflation is at an all-time high of nearly 160% (March 2021). This means the cost of basic items, like food and water, has nearly quadrupled, so that many people are unable to afford necessities.

Lebanon has one of the world’s largest populations of Syrian and Palestinian refugees.

  • 2 million refugees are crammed into overcrowded camps with no heating, electricity, or running water
  • 70% of the families in Lebanon’s camps, and 50% of the total Lebanese population, live below the poverty line
  • 50% of those below the poverty line are under 18 years of age

Millions of children are growing up knowing nothing but conflict, hardship, and poverty. These are families and children who desperately need our support.

As well as food and water, medical equipment and supplies are also in short supply across the country. Lebanon is seeing a ‘brain-drain’, with medical professionals leaving the country in droves due to the dire economic situation. This means there is now a considerable gap in healthcare availability, from emergency care to long-term sickness treatment.


Salam Charity is on the ground in Lebanon, working tirelessly to lift communities out of poverty. We operate a range of initiatives that are inclusive and built for long-term sustainability.

Current projects include :

  • A micro-financing TukTuk project: This project enables people in Beqaa to become self-employed after a year of renting a TukTuk from Salam. The income from the TukTuk will provide a wage (higher than the national average) to the workers.
  • A bakery producing 700 packs of bread a day: This bread is distributed (free of charge) to families in the surrounding area.
  • Food Parcels: One food parcel will feed a family of 5 for a month. In most cases, food parcels are the only source of food that the family receives.
  • Emergency Medical Supplies and Treatment: Medical units are mobilised to refugee camps and hard-to-reach areas, providing simple treatments and assessments. Emergency healthcare treatments are provided for complex cases.
  • Shelter and Tent Rehabilitation: Improvements are made to shelters in camps to ensure families are living in habitable conditions, which is particularly important with winter approaching.

Our work in Lebanon is vital to famililes, children, and people who need medical care. Support our sustainable projects by donating to our Lebanon appeal today.

Donate Now

A country in crisis

The crisis in Lebanon has been raging since 2011 and seems to have no end in sight. Almost 2 million people have taken refuge in the country putting immense strain on the economy and infrastructure. Refugees continue to pour in from Syria, where the situation has taken a turn for the worse, and Palestine hoping for a better life, only to find their struggles have only just begun.

Hafza was only 5 when her family escaped the war in Syria. Now she is 11 and living the daily struggles of camp life. Poverty and war have completely robbed her of her childhood, yet she still smiles. She embraces the world around her and the joy she can find in the little places. We were able to help Hafza with durable warm clothing to see her through many winters to come.

Lebanon has faced some of the harshest winters on record and the refugees are the ones who ultimately suffer the most. With the lack of shelter against the bitter conditions and no capacity for employment, it is a daily struggle for them just to get by.

Team Salam has been on the ground delivering life saving winter aid to the thousands stranded in Al-Haj Hussain Camp & Camp Abedo, Lebanon. Much needed winter clothing and bedding including jumpers, mattresses, blankets, jackets, and hats were distributed from your hard-earned donations. Thanks to our wonderful supporters we were able to give warmth to hundreds of people of Lebanon giving them hope of a better tomorrow.