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Where we work | Palestine
Salam Charity



For too many years, Palestinians have been marginalised and neglected. For too many years they have endured conflict and violence. Mass unemployment, lack of food, clean water and medical facilities has kept Palestinians in a vicious cycle of poverty. We are on the ground providing much needed food aid to desperate families to keep them from starvation.

Years of conflict and occupation has taken a massive economic toll on the country but it’s the people who suffer the most. With a serious lack of infrastructure and support, Palestinians continue to spiral down into extreme poverty.

Between 2014 and 2016, aid flow to the region dropped by a shocking 38%, and has continued to decline since then. This has resulted in continued distress for the population, and persistent challenges that the Palestinian people face every single day.

  • A staggering 60% aged 15-29 unemployed in Gaza (World Bank, 2017)
  • 21% of the population live below the poverty line (UNESCO, 2017)
  • Almost 4000 children die each year before they reach their 5th birthday (UNICEF, 2017)
  • 65.8% of the population is food insecure (UNWFP, 2017)

There is still hope. Salam is working tirelessly to provide as many people as we can with a food aid & multi-service food programs. A staggering 65% of the population is food insecure, not knowing when they will have their next meal. We are here to take this head on, and will continue to provide food aid and programs for families in the region.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 2 – zero Hunger is what we are striving for. We want to see a State of Palestine that does not have to go hungry. Working with experts, we have developed a food pack that provides the maximum nutrition to people living in extreme poverty.

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