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Salam Charity USA Appeals | Rohingya Refugee Crisis
Rohingya Refugee Crisis

Rohingya Refugee Crisis

The suffering of the Rohingya is on a catastrophic scale

The Rohingya refugee crisis is the fastest growing refugee crisis in the world. Since August 2017, the humanitarian situation has deteriorated rapidly due to the escalating violence in Myanmar’s Rahkhine state.

Thousands of refugees arriving in Bangladesh – mostly women and children – have suffered terrible violence and trauma. Many have been subjected to appalling violations of human rights and there are harrowing accounts of villages being burned down, parents being killed in front of children and women and girls being raped or brutalised. According to the UN, the suffering of the Rohingya is on a catastrophic scale.

Adding to the crisis, the growing concentration of refugees in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh, is now one of the densest in the world. Before the crisis began, Bangladesh was already hosting over 200,000 Rohingya, whilst trying to cope with its own challenges. The new arrivals have added even more pressure to services in existing refugee camps and shelters, which means basic resources have been depleted, including clean water, medical aid, food, adequate shelter, and basic sanitation. Conditions are now so poor, the threat of disease is looming.

What we are doing to help

Salam Charity is delivering life-saving emergency aid to Rohingya refugees …

In addition to distributing food aid, we have partnered with Turkish Red Crescent to build Salam Village, which consists of shelters for refugees, school for children, a playground facility, a laundry facility, a mosque and also a walk in clinic.

It is through your donations that these projects continue, and we are able to provide support to the many thousands that need it. Please continue to give more.