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Salam Charity USA Appeals | Emergency

Winter Emergency Appeal 2021


This year has been more difficult than most. From economic destruction in Lebanon, to the continued wars in Yemen and Syria, increasing number of refugees globally and the devastating effect of the global pandemic on countries every where; the need for us to support has grown significantly.

Thousands are unable to keep themselves and their loved ones safe from freezing temperatures, leaving them unprotected from a harsh season that kills so many each year.


Around the world, Salam Charity, alongside our partners on the ground, are able to provide winter essentials to the most vulnerable people and families, across countries including the UK, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.

Our Winter Emergency Appeal includes rehabilitation and repairs to shelters to ensure families are kept safe from the cold, winter survival packs consisting of fuel, blankets and warm clothing/items, and hot meals and nutritious food pack distributions.

We need YOU to help us make sure this winter, as many families as possible are kept alive, safe and warm.

Our aims

  • Empower the communities we serve, to lift them out of poverty.
  • Plan and deliver resilience projects, for example, the building of a reservoir to serve a community.
  • Build raised platforms for flood-prone homes allowing communities to better protect themselves before disaster strikes.


  • 80% of Yemen’s population are in need of humanitarian aid and protection
  • 1.5 million people in Syria are living with permanent disabilities
  • There are 6.2 million Syrian refugees
  • 1 child dies every 10 minutes from preventable disease in Yemen.
  • 60% of people are ‘increasingly hungry’ in South Sudan.

Previous Work


Salam Charity is on the ground with our partners in Lebanon, to provide food, healthcare and shelters to those who have been affected by the recent explosion. We will be offering medical attention by supplying qualified medical staff who will administer first aid and primary healthcare.


The worst monsoon rains, in almost a century have hit the country severely, causing thousands to become homeless, leaving hundreds dead and facilities in a dire state. Our team on the ground was able to reach those parts of Karachi heavily affected by the flood, providing thousands with some respite.


Famine is devastating the country leaving millions without food and causing serious damage to the most vulnerable. Global Hunger Index indicates an alarming rate of food insecurity. Yemen is facing a catastrophe beyond anything that we can imagine. We have several projects in Yemen covering food, shelter, water and education.

Case Study

Thanks to your kind donations and ongoing support we were able to distribute food parcels to the destitute people of Yemen.

The area of Taiz has seen continuous fighting and it is the innocent civilians that suffer the most. We were able to get into the area with our longstanding partners and distribute lifesaving food parcels to 1,000 people.

We helped 200 families living in the worst conditions, many of which were suffering from acute malnutrition. They were supplied with culturally sensitive food packs that fed them for over a month. Each pack contained rice, pasta, oil, sugar, flour and other vital essentials.

Thousands of lives around the world are ruined by poverty, war and natural disasters every year. When people become homeless, they lose their sense of safety and security leaving them vulnerable and bereft of dignity.

We’ve been identifying the key issues that are preventing people from living a normal life, one being adequate shelter.

Shelter costs
Build an emergency shelter to keep 5 people safe
Build a short-term shelter to keep 5 people safe
Build a permanent home for a family in Pakistan

Food is a basic necessity for survival and also the key to a healthy life. Without regular healthy meals children struggle to go to school, carers struggle to work and communities are left battling to survive.

We work to provide sustainable long-term food solutions for communities in need, as well as offering short-term lifesaving interventions in response to global emergencies.

We’re working in Bangladesh, Lebanon, Pakistan and Yemen to provide winter survival kits, containing a food pack, a winter kit and a COVID-19 health kit.

Food costs
1 x Family food pack (lasting a whole month)
2 x Family food packs (lasting a whole month)

We’re providing a range of solutions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our hygiene kits contain protective gloves, masks, toilet rolls, disinfectant and hand sanitisers.

When we think of winter, we imagine cosy homes, hot drinks, and comfortable clothing. But that is a far cry from the harsh reality faced by millions of people every year. The bitter truth is that people in much of the world, are ill-equipped and unprepared to face the unrelenting cold of the winter season.

A lack of adequate clothing and fuel is causing death. Mothers are forced to make decisions that none of us should ever have to make: to buy food to feed their children or buy fuel to keep them warm enough to survive the extreme winters.

We’re working in Bangladesh, Lebanon, Pakistan and Yemen to provide winter survival kits, containing a food pack, a winter kit and a COVID-19 health kit.